Home > Publications > 2010 Missing Person Annual Report

Please review the 2010 Annual Missing Person Report issued by NCIC.

The National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) Missing Person File was implemented in 1975. Records in the Missing Person File are retained indefinitely, until the individual is located or the record is canceled by the entering agency. The Missing Person File contains records for individuals reported missing who:

  • have a proven physical or mental disability (Disability—EMD);
  • are missing under circumstances indicating that they may be in physical danger (Endangered—EME);
  • are missing after a catastrophe (Catastrophe Victim—EMV);
  • are missing under circumstances indicating their disappearance may not have been voluntary (Involuntary—EMI);
  • are under the age of 21 and do not meet the above criteria (Juvenile—EMJ); or
  • are 21 and older and do not meet any of the above criteria but for whom there is a reasonable concern for their safety (Other—EMO).

As of December 31, 2010, NCIC contained 85,820 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 38,505 (44.9 percent) of the records and 10,248 (11.9 percent) were for juveniles between the ages of 18 and 20. *

During 2010, 692,944 missing person records were entered into NCIC, a decrease of 3.7 percent from the 719,558 records entered in 2009. Missing person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 703,316. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject; the individual returned home; or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record was invalid.

The Missing Person Circumstances (MPC) field is optional and has been available since July 1999 when the NCIC 2000 upgrade became operational. Of the 692,944 records entered in 2010, the MPC field was utilized in 322,598 (46.6 percent). When the MPC field was utilized in 2010 entries, 312,710 (96.9 percent) were coded as Runaway, 2,577 (0.8 percent) as Abducted by Non-Custodial Parent, 367 (0.1 percent) as Abducted by Stranger, and 6,944 (2.2 percent) as Adult—Federally Required Entry. In 2009, the MPC field was utilized in 307,672 (42.8 percent) of the 719,558 records.

*This fulfills requirements as set forth in Public Law 101-647, 104 Statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990 stating the Attorney General is to publish a statistical summary of reports of missing children. This act was modified April 7, 2003, by “Suzanne’s Law” that changed the age of mandatory missing person record entry from under 18 to under 21 years of age. [ref. 42 USC 5779(c)]

NCIC Missing Person File Report for 2010

Missing Person
Active Entries as of 12/31/2010 85,820
Total File Transactions 1,927,722
Entries 692,944
Removed 703,316
Locates 46,397
Modified 290,418
Modified Supplemental 159,784
Canceled Supplemental 3,418
Queried Missing Person File Only 31,445
Queried NCIC System-Wide by Name 1,870,669,249


Entries—Records entered do not include supplemental record entry messages which are used to add specific identifiers, including dental data, to a Missing Person Record on file in NCIC.

Removed—Records removed are a total of the cancel, clear, and locate messages received by the NCIC computer. Excluded are counts of supplemental record cancellation messages which are used to remove specific identifiers, including dental data, from a Missing Person record.

Locates—Transactions to remove entries when the subject has been found by an agency other than the entering agency.

Modifies—Modifies include base record modification messages, supplemental record entry messages, and supplemental record cancellation messages. Counts of supplemental dental entry messages and supplemental dental cancellation messages are not available.

Queried Missing Person File Only—Records queried are when agencies inquire on a record for information purposes.

In January 1987, clears and cancels were combined on the statistical report.

NCIC Missing Person (Monthly Totals) 2010















Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel
Jan 40,738 41,888 6,105 6,269 1,548 1,620 2,436 2,545 29 38 3,401 3,374 54,257 55,734
Feb 38,759 39,666 5,694 5,724 1,472 1,532 2,237 2,319 29 98 3,189 3,218 51,380 52,557
Mar 47,821 48,191 6,879 6,908 1,699 1,806 2,666 2,798 25 216 3,761 3,820 62,851 63,739
Apr 47,983 47,537 6,687 6,882 1,682 1,798 2,729 2,773 31 38 3,704 3,732 62,816 62,760
May 50,798 50,320 5,050 5,468 1,734 1,755 2,813 3,112 39 48 6,117 5,498 66,551 66,201
Jun 44,384 45,245 4,482 4,807 1,782 1,802 2,780 2,747 27 28 6,397 6,088 59,852 60,717
Jul 39,775 40,679 4,635 4,804 1,834 1,784 2,783 2,922 35 38 6,744 6,592 55,806 56,819
Aug 38,616 41,157 4,705 5,013 1,709 1,819 2,619 2,960 38 35 6,718 6,472 54,405 57,456
Sep 42,614 43,519 4,479 4,606 1,626 1,752 2,441 2,612 44 53 6,301 6,098 57,505 58,640
Oct 47,598 46,278 4,612 4,664 1,758 1,782 2,595 2,595 28 29 6,645 6,374 63,236 61,722
Nov 41,726 42,959 4,078 4,205 1,519 1,610 2,423 2,525 33 35 6,196 6,182 55,975 57,516
Dec 34,719 35,748 3,819 3,950 1,490 1,472 2,162 2,254 23 30 6,097 6,001 48,310 49,455
Col Tot 515,531 523,187 61,225 63,300 19,853 20,532 30,684 32,162 381 686 65,270 63,449 692,944 703,316

Entry—Number of records entered during the month.

Cancel—Number of records canceled/cleared during the month but entered from any time period.

EMJ—Entry of a person under the age of 21 who is missing and does not meet any of the entry criteria set forth in the other categories.

EME—Entry of a person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that his/her physical safety may be in danger.

EMI—Entry of a person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance may not have been voluntary, i.e., abduction or kidnapping.

EMD—A person of any age who is missing and under proven physical/mental disability or is senile, thereby subjecting him/herself or others to personal and immediate danger.

EMV—A person of any age who is missing after a catastrophe.

EMO—A person over the age of 21, not meeting the criteria for entry in any other category, who is missing and for whom there is a reasonable concern for his/her safety.

Source: NCIC Active/Expired Missing Person Analysis Report

NCIC Missing Person File Category/Age/Sex/Race 2010

Under 18 18 And Older All Ages
Total 531,928 161,016 692,944
Juvenile 510,207 5,324 515,531
Endangered 10,274 50,951 61,225
Involuntary 5,298 14,555 19,853
Disability 3,675 27,009 30,684
Catastrophe 143 238 381
Other 2,331 62,939 65,270
Female 288,213 67,030 355,243
Male 243,686 93,974 337,660
Unknown 29 12 41
Asian 10,025 4,504 14,529
Black 187,564 42,172 229,736
Indian 7,524 1,760 9,284
Unknown 12,698 4,647 17,345
White * 314,117 104,742 418,859
Under 21 21 And Older All Ages
Total 565,692 127,252 692,944
Juvenile 514,780 211 514,991
Endangered 18,754 42,471 61,225
Involuntary 9,948 9,905 19,853
Disability 6,542 27,142 33,684
Catastrophe 186 195 381
Other 14,941 50,328 65,269
Female 305,449 52,111 357,560
Male 260,211 75,132 335,343
Unknown 32 9 41
Asian 10,665 3,864 14,529
Black 201,943 30,884 232,827
Indian 7,818 1,466 9,284
Unknown 13,683 3,662 17,345
White * 331,583 87,376 418,959


* Includes Hispanic

Source: NCIC Active/Expired Missing and Unidentified Analysis Reports

NCIC Missing Person File—Yearly Totals and Percent Change

Year File Trans Record Entered* Record Removed** Clears Locates Modified***
1990 1,454,029 663,921 661,945 641,543 20,615 82,764
% Change N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1991 1,552,896 705,175 701,811 680,520 24,250 92,946
% Change (+) 6.7 (+) 6.2 (+) 6.0 (+) 6.0 (+) 17.6 (+) 12.3
1992 1,785,653 801,358 810,483 737,876 26,970 119,424
% Change (+) 15.0 (+) 13.6 (+) 15.5 (+) 8.4 (+) 11.2 (+) 28.5
1993 1,951,842 868,345 858,730 824,348 31,716 169,137
% Change (+) 9.3 (+) 8.4 (+) 6.0 (+) 11.7 (+) 17.6 (+) 41.6
1994 2,179,932 954,896 944,685 906,662 39,985 216,080
% Change (+) 11.7 (+) 10.0 (+) 10.0 (+) 10.0 (+) 26.1 (+) 27.8
1995 2,238,503 969,264 964,343 922,576 42,009 237,150
% Change (+) 2.7 (+) 1.5 (+) 2.1 (+) 1.8 (+) 5.1 (+) 9.8
1996 1,908,696 955,252 953,444 913,940 42,733 254,533
% Change (-) 14.7 (-) 1.4 (-) 1.1 (-) 0.9 (+) 1.7 (+) 7.3
1997 1,965,657 980,712 984,945 933,081 45,397 281,197
% Change (+) 3.0 (+) 2.7 (+) 3.3 (+) 2.1 (+) 6.3 (+) 10.5
1998 1,861,335 932,190 929,145 913,416 47,313 287,792
% Change (-) 5.3 (-) 4.9 (-) 5.7 (-) 2.1 (+) 4.2 (+) 2.3
1999 1,733,691 867,129 866,562 816,198 38,704 272,197
% Change (-) 6.9 (-) 7.0 (-) 6.7 (-) 10.6 (-) 18.2 (-) 5.4
2000 1,758,376 876,213 882,163 825,969 40,714 294,707
% Change (+) 1.4 (+) 1.0 (+) 1.8 (+) 1.2 (+) 5.2 (+) 8.3
2001 1,702,197 840,279 861,918 803,599 40,844 313,822
% Change (-) 3.2 (-) 4.1 (-) 2.3 (-) 2.7 (+) 0.3 (+) 6.5
2002 1,658,591 821,975 836,616 779,721 42,033 329,741
% Change (-) 2.6 (-) 2.2 (-) 2.9 (-) 3.0 (+) 2.9 (+) 5.1
2003 1,661,853 824,699 837,154 777,854 44,252 353,805
% Change (+) 0.2 (+) 0.3 (+) 0.6 (-) 3.0 (+) 5.3 (+) 7.3
2004 1,670,848 830,325 840,523 782,283 46,665 379,952
% Change (+) 0.5 (+) 0.7 (+) 0.4 (+) 0.6 (+) 5.5 (+) 7.4
2005 2,167,892 834,536 844,838 781,430 48,639 397,452
% Change (+) 29.7 (+) 0.5 (+) 0.5 (-) 0.1 (+) 4.2 (+) 4.6
2006 2,203,363 836,131 851,940 785,412 51,518 421,478
% Change (+) 1.6 (+) 0.2 (+) 0.8 (+) 0.5 (+) 5.9 (+) 6.0
2007 2,296,793 814,957 820,212 770,282 51,638 549,981
% Change (+) 4.2 (-) 2.5 (-) 3.7 (-) 1.9 (+) 0.2 (+) 30.5
2008 2,068,262 778,161 745,088 731,727 50,559 457,451
% Change (-) 9.9 (-) 4.5 (-) 9.2 (-) 5.0 (-) 2.0 (-) 16.8
2009 1,759,860 719,558 726,130 637,308 32,843 358,356
% Change (-) 14.9 (-) 7.5 (-) 2.5 (-) 12.9 (-) 35.1 (-) 21.7
2010 1,927,722 692,944 703,316 658,161 46,397 453,620
% Change (+) 9.5 (-) 3.7 (-) 3.1 (+) 3.3 (+) 41.3 (+) 26.6

* Records entered do not include supplemental record entry messages which are used to add specific identifiers, including dental data, to a missing person record on file in NCIC.

** Records removed are a total of the cancel, clear, and locate messages received by the NCIC computer. Excluded are counts of supplemental record cancellation messages which are used to remove specific identifiers, including dental data, from a messing person record.

*** Modifies include base record modification messages, supplemental record entry messages, and supplemental record cancellation messages. Counts of supplemental dental entry messages and supplemental dental cancellation messages are not available.

SOURCE: NCIC Active/Expired Missing Person Analysis Report

NCIC Unidentified Person File

NCIC’s Unidentified Person File came online in 1983. Records are retained indefinitely, unless removed by the entering agency. The Unidentified Person File contains records of:

  • unidentified deceased persons (Deceased—EUD);
  • persons of any age who are living and unable to determine their identity (Living—EUL); and
  • unidentified catastrophe victims (Catastrophe Victim—EUV).

As of December 31, 2010, there were 7,539 unidentified person records in NCIC. During 2010, 1,033 unidentified person records were entered into NCIC, a decrease of 0.7 percent from the 1,040 records entered in 2009.* The records entered in 2010 consisted of 806 (78.0 percent) deceased unidentified bodies, 11 (1.1 percent) unidentified catastrophe victims, and 216 (20.9 percent) living persons who could not ascertain their identity. In 2010, 796 records were canceled or cleared by the entering agency for reasons such as the remains being identified or the record being invalid. This was an 8.6 percent decrease over the 871 records canceled in 2009.

*Use of the Unidentified Person File is not mandated by law.

NCIC Unidentified Person File Report for 2010

Unidentified Person
Active Entries as of 1/1/2011 7,539
Total File Transactions 1,829
Records Entered 1,033
Records Cancelled 796


NCIC Unidentified Person (Monthly Totals) 2010

Deceased Deceased Cat Vic Cat Vic Living Living Total Total
Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel Entry Cancel
Jan 101 53 0 0 23 25 124 78
Feb 66 46 0 0 9 9 75 55
Mar 67 53 0 0 17 11 84 64
Apr 114 100 1 0 18 21 133 121
May 64 55 0 1 17 14 81 70
Jun 43 37 0 0 16 17 59 54
Jul 46 33 1 2 22 14 69 49
Aug 59 53 0 0 25 32 84 85
Sep 86 53 0 0 19 15 105 68
Oct 62 37 3 4 20 20 85 61
Nov 50 28 0 0 16 12 66 40
Dec 48 27 6 7 14 17 68 51
Col Tot 806 575 11 14 216 207 1,033 796

Entry—Number of records entered during the month.

Cancel—Number of records canceled/cleared during the month but entered from any time period.

Deceased—Human remains for whom the identity cannot be ascertained. This category also includes body parts.

Catastrophe Victim—A person who is a victim of a catastrophe for whom the identity cannot be ascertained or body parts when a body has been dismembered as the result of a catastrophe.

Living—A person who is living and unable to ascertain his/her identity, e.g., amnesia victim, infant, etc. The information on unidentified living persons should only be included if the person gives his/her consent or if they are physically or mentally unable to give consent.

Source: NCIC Active/Expired Unidentified Person Analysis Report

NCIC Unidentified Person File—Yearly Totals and Percent Change

Year Total Total Deceased Deceased Cat Vic Cat Vic Living Living
Entries Cancels Entries Cancels Entries Cancels Entries Cancels
1990 1,567 1,394 1,226 1,054 20 19 321 321
% Change N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1991 1,805 1,615 1,198 1,015 10 9 597 591
% Change (+) 15.2 (+) 15.9 (-) 2.3 (-) 3.7 (-) 50.0 (-) 52.6 (+) 86.0 (+) 84.1
1992 1,637 1,484 1,331 1,183 31 26 275 275
% Change (-) 9.3 (-) 8.1 (+) 11.1 (+) 16.6 (+) 210.0 (+) 188.9 (-) 53.9 (-) 53.5
1993 1,629 1,155 1,162 993 37 37 130 125
% Change (-) 0.5 (-) 22.2 (-) 12.7 (-) 16.1 (+) 19.4 (+) 42.3 (-) 52.7 (-) 54.5
1994 1,829 1,204 1,632 1,010 24 24 172 170
% Change (+) 12.3 (+) 4.2 (+) 40.4 (+) 1.7 (-) 35.1 (-) 35.1 (+) 32.3 (+) 36.0
1995 1,143 954 965 775 22 23 156 156
% Change (-) 37.5 (-) 20.8 (-) 40.9 (-) 23.3 (-) 8.3 (-) 4.2 (-) 9.3 (-) 8.2
1996 1,391 1,196 1,182 1,001 22 11 187 184
% Change (+) 21.7 (+) 25.4 (+) 22.5 (+) 29.2 0 (-) 52.2 (+) 19.9 (+) 17.9
1997 1,608 1,176 1,395 964 11 10 202 202
% Change (+) 15.6 (-) 1.7 (+) 18.0 (-) 3.7 (-) 50.0 (-) 9.1 (+) 8.0 (+) 9.8
1998 1,326 1,005 1,039 732 31 29 256 255
% Change (-) 17.5 (-) 14.5 (-) 25.5 (-) 24.1 (+) 181.8 (+) 190.0 (+) 26.7 (+) 26.2
1999 1,241 842 921 544 17 17 303 281
% Change (-) 6.4 (-) 16.2 (-) 11.4 (-) 25.7 (-) 45.2 (-) 41.4 (+) 18.4 (+) 10.2
2000 1,091 866 646 434 8 9 437 423
% Change (-) 12.1 (+) 2.9 (-) 29.9 (-) 20.2 (-) 53.0 (-) 47.1 (+) 44.2 (+) 50.5
2001 973 840 563 433 15 15 395 392
% Change (-) 10.8 (-) 3.0 (-) 12.8 (-) 0.2 (+) 87.5 (+) 66.7 (-) 9.6 (-) 64.1
2002 947 785 557 382 16 14 374 389
% Change (-) 2.7 (-) 6.5 (-) 1.1 (-) 11.8 (+) 6.7 (-) 6.7 (-) 5.3 (-) 0.8
2003 1,214 808 734 367 13 12 467 429
% Change (+) 28.2 (+) 2.9 (+) 31.8 (-) 3.9 (-) 18.8 (-) 14.3 (+) 24.9 (+) 10.3
2004 1,335 964 878 493 33 35 424 436
% Change (+) 10.0 (+) 19.3 (+) 19.6 (+) 34.3 (+) 153.8 (+) 191.7 (-) 9.2 (+) 1.6
2005 1,383 1,258 960 792 19 19 404 447
% Change (+) 3.6 (+) 30.5 (+) 9.3 (+) 60.6 (-) 42.4 (-) 45.7 (-) 4.7 (+) 2.5
2006 1,413 1,185 1,043 818 7 2 363 365
% Change (+) 2.2 (-) 5.8 (+) 8.6 (+) 3.3 (-) 63.2 (-) 89.5 (-) 10.1 (-) 18.3
2007 1,788 1,051 1,448 712 23 11 317 1,788
% Change (+) 26.5 (-)11.3 (+) 38.8 (-) 13.0 (+) 228.6 (+) 450.0 (-) 12.7 (-) 1.4
2008 1,133 889 918 681 16 14 199 194
% Change (-) 36.6 (-) 15.4 (-) 36.6 (-) 4.4 (-) 30.4 (+) 27.3 (-) 37.2 (-) 89.2
2009 1,040 871 790 639 27 24 223 208
% Change (-) 8.2 (-) 2.0 (-) 13,9 (-) 6.2 68.8 71.4 12.1 7.2
2010 1,033 796 806 575 11 14 216 207
% Change (-) 0.7 (-) 8.6 (+) 2.0 (-) 10.0 (-) 59.3 (-) 41.7 (-) 3.1 (-) 0.5

Entry—Number of records entered during the month.

Cancel—Number of records canceled/cleared during the month but entered from any time period.

Deceased—Human remains for whom the identity cannot be ascertained. This category also includes body parts.

Catastrophe Victim—A person who is a victim of a catastrophe for whom the identity cannot be ascertained or body parts when a body has been dismembered as the result of a catastrophe.

Living—A person who is living and unable to ascertain his/her identity, e.g., amnesia victim, infant, etc. The information on unidentified living persons should only be included if the person gives his/her consent or if they are physically or mentally unable to give consent.

Source: NCIC Active/Expired Unidentified Person Analysis Report

NCIC Missing and Unidentified Entry Comparison Chart

Year Missing Person Entries Unidentified Person Entries
1990 663,921 1,567
1991 705,175 1,805
1992 801,358 1,637
1993 868,345 1,629
1994 954,896 1,829
1995 969,264 1,143
1996 955,252 1,391
1997 980,712 1,608
1998 932,190 1,326
1999 867,129 1,241
2000 876,213 1,091
2001 840,279 973
2002 821,975 947
2003 824,699 1,214
2004 830,325 1,335
2005 834,536 1,383
2006 836,131 1,413
2007 814,967 1,788
2008 778,164 1,133
2009 719,558 1,040
2010 692,944 1,033


Source: NCIC Active/Expired Missing and Unidentified Analysis Reports

Contact Information:

The Criminal Justice Information Services Division’s (CJIS) NCIC Operations and Policy Unit (NOPU) NCIC Group distributes monthly NCIC extracts—the Missing Person Active/Expired Analysis and the Unidentified Person Active/Expired Analysis—to each CJIS system officer and/or to the agency in the state that has been designated as a point of contact.

The NOPU routinely responds to requests for nationwide statistics from law enforcement agencies and the media concerning the NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Files for public release.

The monthly statistics are calculated to address the most frequently requested data. Archived statistics are available upon request.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the FBI’s NOPU NCIC Group at
304-625-3000 or ioau@leo.gov.


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