Walk-Of-Hope Flyer
During my four years of searching for my son, Lamont, the NOT KNOWING made my agonizing days intolerable. The pain and suffering when a person goes missing is unbearable and not knowing is infinite and incalculable.
During my four years of searching for my son, Lamont, the NOT KNOWING made my agonizing days intolerable. The pain and suffering when a person goes missing is unbearable and not knowing is infinite and incalculable.
WE ASKED…YOU ANSWERED…With overwhelming support resulting in the passage of the “Lamont Dottin law” in the Senate with a majority vote of 58-3 before the 2014 session ended. While the Assembly Bill stalled, we have no doubt, with your continued support, the bill WILL pass the Assembly and Senate when session resumes in January 2015.
Re-introduce The La Mont Dottin’s Law Assembly Bill A8961 & Senate Bill 7404 which eliminates the age restriction and prevents NYC from arbitrarily excluding person from being reported as missing simply because they are between 19-64. The law assures that all families of missing loved have complete access to both local and statewide agencies and receive full cooperation and assistance of the City of New York regardless of age.
The La Mont Dottin Foundation will hold a press conference at New York City Hall to reaffirms its commitment to address the issues of “no transparency”, “no accountability”, “no access” and ultimately “no closure” for families of missing and exploited children/adults across New York and its’ burial ground known as Potter’s Field.
We never think that when we leave our children alone, going to school for example, someone is watching. When we leave them to play in the front yard, someone is watching. This rally will help to shed more light on the plight of our missing family members.
This will be the “First” of many sessions to reaffirm our commitment to raise awareness and address the issues of “No transparency”, “No access”, and ultimately “No closure” for families of Missing Persons across New York and Potter’s Field burial grounds on Hart Island.